Breakthrough: Unlocking student motivation
Enrolling now for September 2024!
Level up your pedagogical approach
Move your theoretical understandings and values into practical applications
Get facetime with a group of like-minded professionals to hash out practical applications
FOUR 1hr live discussions
Two ONE-on-ONE sessions scheduled at your convenience
SIX assignments with video explanations
A group chat thread on Instagram
A totally transformative experience for you and your students
Four LIVE group meetings: a welcome meet, two post-assignment check-ins, and a wrap up.
Each session is 11 am ET; sorry Aussies!
I highly recommend attending the live meetings. Although the recording will be made available, there's nothing like the accountability and cohesion of attending these meetings live!
The two one-on-one sessions are scheduled at your convenience anytime during the six-week session!
Throughout the course, we'll have a group thread for asynchronous chatting and discussions.
Intro and orientation
Assignment 1: What do you want to do today?
Assignment 2: Self-directed conditioning
Assignment 3: Upgrades only
Assignment 4: Reframe
Assignment 5: Foster belonging
Assignment 6: Create meaning
Full assignment packet
Pay-what-you-can centered on $400. Don’t skip out because you can’t afford it, or because you’re interested but not that interested.
You have to take it before we start! You can sign up before you've finished it though. Since everything is pay-what-you-can, just pay for the class (Unlocking Student Motivation) and then also sign up for this course.
Then you should be in the room to add your POV to the discussions! The one-on-one meetings are also a great chance to build the language and become familiar with research that supports your practices.
Yep! You can get any of this material self-paced OR book a time with me and I’ll go through the material with you. Every single part of this course is available a la carte, except the discussion and camaraderie. DM me, @proud_coach on insta, with exactly what you want.
Life happens, but do your best to attend live!
I'm committed to making this a powerful interactive experience for the folks who can attend each session, and in the past when folks miss live sessions they feel like they've missed out. Better to plan for it in advance!
Yep! All the recordings and materials will be yours to keep.
This course is aimed pretty specifically at teachers. That said, I've had students take it in the past and get a lot out of it!
If you're really interested, go ahead an jump in...maybe just give yourself a nice discount ($150 or $200) since some of the assignments might not translate.
No really. If you don't see the option you want on this list, you can zip me an email and I'll add it for you.
Base price